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New Castle United Methodist Church


1. Fix your leaky faucets- This saves water going down the drain and money evaporating from your wallet.

2. Do not drive your car for a few days- This saves money on gas and harmful emissions.

3. Stop using plastic straws- Plastic straws are killing birds and aquatic animals and fish all over the world. There are vegetable and natural options available.​

4. Don't Litter. It harms wildlife and our environment. And you lookalike a jerk when you do it!.

Love Your Mother, (Earth, that is)

The environment is a concern. Not just for the New Castle United Methodist Church, but for the whole world. God's Creation was made perfect, with everything in balance - people, animals, air, soil, insects, and water. And as God's people we are to be good stewards, (Genesis 2:15). How are we doing?

We can, and must, do better. Currently we are depleting the resources of our world, losing biodiversity, polluting our air and water, and contributing to poor health and extreme weather events for many people. It seems overwhelming. But there are things we can do. This page will provide you with tips on how you, yes you, can help to heal God's creation. We believe these tips can help to conserve energy and resources, reduce harmful plastics, save money, and improve the health of our families, being faithful stewards for God.
